2013 - 2014
MSc with Merit, Advanced Computer Science, University of Kent
Group project to create an IDE to help teach Java to students by incorporating a programmable robot world in the style of Karel the Robot. I personally worked on the compilation and debugging aspects of the software as well as creating a graphical interface to manipulate Java objects interactively akin to the BlueJ IDE.
December 2019 - *
EDF Energy (Contract) - Dungeness B Power Station - Simulator Support/Software Engineer
September 2018 - August 2019
EDF Energy - Dungeness B Power Station - IP
- Industrial placement role in Training department with focus on Simulator.
- Virtualization of Simulator DPCS "Data Processing & Control System". [Linux/KVM]
- Debugging and repair of simulator software crashes. [C/C++/Fortran]
- Created driver for feeding simulator data to external system. [Nim]
- Application for the capture of post simulator training debriefs. [Kotlin/Spring/VueJS]
- System for live monitoring and recording of DPCS displays. [FFmpeg/OBS/JS]